I will always be grateful for President Barnett and his dear wife, sister Barnett. I remember a time during mission when I was serving in a city far across the country from the mission home, and the missionaries I had known during our missionary training, and to be honest it was pretty lonely. I remember talking to President about it and I remember him saying how at times it might feel like we’re standing alone, it might feel like the whole world opposes us, but in those moments we can stop and look Heavenward, and know, that we have a Heavenly Father, who is smiling on our efforts. That brought me comfort then, and it is come to my mind many times in the last two decades, as I have needed to take the time to stop and look heavenward. He taught me that no effort is wasted, and to always look to, and stand with the brethren (the apostles and prophets). He taught me the importance of just getting out and starting, and engaging in the work. Praca, praca, praca, he would say. Often I felt he was teaching not only for the moment, but lessons I would need later in my life, and when those moments came, his lessons returned to me and I found a new and deep appreciation for his desire to bless me in my whole life. He taught with love and authority. His words often sank deep into my heart and I could feel the power that comes to imperfect people doing their best to live the gospel and follow the Savior. How does one summarize years of teachings, example, and love? I will never forget how towards the end of serving on mission I spoke to him of my fears, doubts, and concerns about returning home as I had spent my whole life up to that point looking towards, preparing for, and living for that mission. He lovingly looked me in the eyes, and with assurance said, “My boy, this is just the beginning.” I know, and I am sure that the same could be said to him, that this is not the end, but a glorious and new beginning. We will miss you dearly, but know that you are not far away, and that we will see you again. Kocham cię, Prezydencie, z bogiem - aż do doskonałego dnia.